Friday, 22 April 2011

Day 137

Today being Good Friday and a gorgeous, Indian summer kind of day, we took a day off and went for a wander around town. And this time, I took the Canon with me.

I spotted this litte fella on the pavement...

...and I filled up the rest of my memory card in one of the public parks. I really must start using cards that will let me take more than a few dozen shots in RAW!


  1. Well I just love all of these. The first one is my favorite though. I have an 8GB card and I fill that up every once in a while. But have gotten so used to it giving me plenty of shots (RAW) that I forget to take extras with me. Then I end up standing there deleting some shots to take more. SIGH!!

  2. What a fantastic macro Helen, but my favorite has got to be #2. It is just precious!!
    Are the cockatiels yours?
    I have a couple of them, and they are such wonderful little ones!

  3. Thanks for your comments, folks.

    Sharon, the card I'm using at the moment is only half a gig, but it was a big card when I bought the camera. Definitely time to upgrade!

    Lisa, the cockatiels aren't mine. They live at an aviary in a public park in town.

  4. so cute...sorry no idea of photography just enjoy the images

    very much point and click with me

    but I do like seeing the things you can do with the photos.

