Monday, 30 May 2011

Day 174

I'm still flooded with work, but the floodwaters should have dried up by the weekend, because my deadline's on Friday!

We've almost been literally flooded today, as it's been raining for most of the day. When photo break time came around, it was lashing it down, so I had to set up something indoors. I tried to do some more frozen motion shots, this time with a bowl of sugar, but I came up against the problem I've had before: lack of light and a slow lens/camera. I think I'm going to treat myself to a diffuser next time I go shopping, so I can make the most of the natural light. I'm also saving up for an f/2.8 lens (my current lens is f/5.6).

This is the best shot I got today, but I'm not happy with it, so I turned it on its side. I reckon it's more interesting this way round. It looks like there's a wind blowing the sugar off the spoon!

Well, I'd better get back to work. :-)


  1. Wonderful work. I like the composition.

  2. It works really well on its side - I like the soft colour too.
