Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Day 197

I was very lucky when I went to check the mailbox today. There wasn't any post, but I spotted a couple of photo opportunities, and I took them!

Here's our neighbour's horse, who wanted to say hello.

And here's a flooded gully by the side of the road.

Last weekend we bought ourselves a second car, so now I have my own set of wheels, which is brilliant. I don't feel so isolated any more. Last night I went to yoga class for the first time since we moved out of town, and tonight I'm going to go along to camera club (for the first time ever). I'm looking forward to it!


  1. HOORAY for a camera club! That's fantastic.

    I love the horse.

    The wood floating in the water looks like a foot.

  2. Beautiful animal. So majestic.

  3. I love that black & white. It has all the ingredients for a great monotone photograph - contrast, form and texture. Brilliant!

  4. Beautiful horse. Love the second one great in B&W.

  5. Sound like lots of good stuff going on for you Helen!
    Congratulations on the car.
    These photographs are wonderful. I especially love the horse. It is beautifully composed.
