Saturday, 2 July 2011

Top Pic(k)s for June

Here are my five favourite photos from last month, in reverse chronological order. Please help me decide on the 'top pic(k)' by casting your vote in the poll in the sidebar. Thanks!

1. It's a hard life

2. Snail

3. Our gate

4. Experiment 2

5. Hands and heart


  1. I love 1 and 4 but had to go with 1 since I only get one vote.

  2. Thanks for voting, Sharon! :-)

  3. Same here for 1 and 4 but 1 gets it by a whisker!

  4. I do love cats so number one for me

  5. All are "vote able" is their own right. I voted from the point of view of hanging it in my house. I like he simple stark black and white gate. I like details and simplicity. My only change would be to have the entire rope in focus. I personally am not a big fan of hyper narrow depth of field since there was nothing to gain by blurring out the end of the rope. My eye goes to the blur and tries to resolve it and it is distracting to me. Although the narrow depth of field works for me with the cat photo. Love your blog and It's fun learning about your country life. I never knew what a fortnight was until today.

  6. All brilliant but the gate's my fave!

  7. Awww, Helen, this is a difficult choice!!
    #1 and #5 are so close for me, but I think I will go with #5.
    I love the black and white, and the simplicity of the photograph.
    It is beautifully framed.

  8. Thanks for the votes and the comments, folks. Nice to 'meet' you, Joe! :-)
