Thursday, 6 October 2011

Day 266

I had to make an unscheduled trip to the vet's this morning. When Pookie came in last night she was limping. It turns out she's got a big bite on her leg. The vet reckoned she'd got into a fight with another cat, but the nearest cats live half a kilometre away. I think it's much more likely that she was chasing rabbits and one of the bunnies bit back! The vet gave her a painkilling injection and prescribed a course of antibiotics. She seems a lot more comfortable now, and is currently having a nap on the veranda.

Here are the rest of the images from yesterday's photo shoot.


  1. These are wonderful Helen!
    I especially love the tones in the last one.
    I am so glad Pookie is okay!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks, Erika. That's my favourite, too.

  4. Oh my these are beautiful!! the second is my fav!!! hope Pookie feels better soon :)
