Friday, 19 August 2011


Dear friends,

Today Iain, who's been my husband for 20 years, told me he's leaving me for another woman. As you can imagine, I'm feeling a bit shellshocked right now. I'm off to stay at a friend's place tonight (thank you so much, Margot! x)

As far as my 365 project is concerned, (and the rest of my life too, for that matter), my plan is to take a week or so off to clear my head, and then start taking baby steps towards a new life. I fully intend to continue the project after my 'holiday'.

Until then, I'll love you and leave you, but I'll still be checking in on other people's blogs.

Love from Helen


  1. Hi Helen
    We'll be here when you come back. A week off sounds like a good idea right now.

  2. Honestly I don't know what to say. I have been following you for a while and feel we are friends and when a friend hurts I hurt. I wish you strength and wisdom to deal with the transition your life will take. Breaks-ups go through various stages such as the grieving stages when a loved one dies. I'll always be reading your blog and wishing you well. You are not alone.

  3. Thanks for your support, Gary, Gerald and Joe. xxx

  4. Helen, I wish I could say something to make this all go away. Unfortunately, all I can do is to say that I am thinking of you, wishing you strength, and sending you hugs.

  5. oh my goodness I missed all of this in the last few days, I am so terribly sorry this has happened to you, your words sound so remarkably calm as I read through your other posts, are you ok? wow, I don't know what to say, if you need to write reams to get it out of your system you can! do you need somewhere to stay when you move back to the UK?

  6. I am so behind in my blog reading that I only today read of your news. I cannot imagine how shocking this has been for you. Thinking of you.. now to catch up with your other posts.
